This is the application form for ESN CU Prague Trip which will be from 13 to 15 October 2017. The detailed description can be found here



Your first name and surname
Please enter your phone number in international format. E.g.: +421901888666
Please entre your City of Residence in home country.
If you have Schengen Visa, please enter the number. If you are EU/EEA citizen or you do not need Visa leave this field empty.
Let us know if you have any allergies or you would like to leave a note.

By pressing Submit I agree to pay the amount of 90 EUR (€) as a fee for Prague Trip. Billing information will be provided in the confirmation email. I understand that not paying this sum will result in cacncelation of my application. 

Pursuant to Act of the Slovak Republic no. 122/2013 Coll. on personal data protection, as amended, by pressing  Submit hereby confirm that the data mentioned above are complete and correct and I agree with their use by ESN CU Bratislava for its internal purposes, especially for communication with me and for promotion of its activities. I also agree that my data will be transferred to the third party - accomodation provider in compliance with Czech law, only data which are necessary for booking of accomodation. I take due note of the possibility to withdraw from this agreement in writing. I acknowledge that processing of my personal data is governed by Act of the Slovak Republic no. 122/2013 Coll. on personal data protection, as amended, governing in particular in § 28 et seq. my rights in the field of the personal data protection.